How to order from overseas
For orders from overseas, you can now use our proxy purchase service, Buyee.
When you access our website from overseas, a banner linking to Buyee will appear on the top page of the site and on each product page.
Please add the desired product to your cart on the official online store with the currency notation in Japanese yen.
After adding the items you want to buy to the cart of the official online store, click the Add to Cart button on the Buyee pop-up. Please register for the first time.
3. 最後に注文依頼をクリックしてご注文完了です。
Finally, click on Order Request to complete your order.
※通貨表記は必ず日本円の状態でカートに追加してください。日本国内以外からのご注文に関しては全てBuyee経由でのご注文のみ受け付けております。ciiron TOKYO公式オンライン上で直接決済が完了しても後にキャンセルとなりますのでご注意下さいませ。
Please make sure to add the currency to your cart in Japanese yen. Please note that all orders from outside of Japan are only accepted via Buyee. ciiron TOKYO will later cancel your order even if the payment is completed directly on the official online ciiron TOKYO website.
For more information, please click below.
ご利用ガイド/LUser's Guide